How cool is this!! His claw hands are the best part- I am not sure why he thought that was a good idea but he had that move down!!
I had to show you this one because you can see the slobber all over his chin - they told him to keep his mouth closed when he got in there - but he must have forgotten that part. His goggles and the instructors goggles were covered with spit! Poor guy!!
This is the last shot we got before the big melt down! He kept telling the instructor that he did not want to go high and that he would freak out if he took him up higher then this( he kept showing him with his hands) The instructor really wanted to try it out and just see if Parker was serious I guess - but Parker was not messing around. He started throwing his arms around and when they were all done he told the guy - see i told you i would freak out !! LOL
Here is Chance taking his turn at it !
Chance was a much better sport then Parker at the high part :)
Here is the IFLY crew - Chance, Alexa, Parker , Grandpa Mike and Brayden. They look pretty good in those outfits :)
Grandma and Grandpa came to watch the big event to. Here is Grandma Laura with Elley Belly!!!
Here is Grandpa Buddy - he looks like he got in a bad fight with all those scratches on his face! He smiled the whole time I think he wanted a run at it too!!